pedo catcher calls for ceasefire

Alex Rosen, a well-known figure in internet vigilantism against child predators, delivered a speech at the Houston City Council in Texas this week. In his address, he urged the council members to prioritize peace within their own city rather than focusing on international conflicts such as the one between Israel and Palestine. He criticized individuals who prefer government assistance over employment and housing efforts, labeling them as "bums."

Rosen then pointed out that the city had allocated $35 million for murals supporting Black Lives Matter and transgender individuals, suggesting that this money should have been used to enhance law enforcement to protect minority communities. He argued that murals, despite their significance, have not saved any lives to his knowledge. He proposed redirecting attention towards commemorating victims of violence caused by repeat offenders who were released due to lenient judgments.

Furthermore, Rosen called for a ceasefire in local neighborhoods like Sunnyside, the Southside, and Third Ward, challenging the Mayor to take action. However, there was no response from the mayor or the council regarding Rosen's remarks.




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